李德专,又名秋辰,号大别山人、天湖居士,生于河南罗山,中国书法家协会会员,河南省书法家协会理事、郑州市文联副主席、郑州市书法家协会副主席、中国楹联学会会员、中国书画名家协会会员,自幼酷爱书画艺术,数十年临池不辍,在军队服役期间被评为全军优秀参谋人才,多次参加全国、全军书画大赛并获奖,先后在中国国家画院书法高研班学习深造,师从当代著名书法家沈鹏、曾来德先生,书法风格和艺术水平在厚实传统的基础上进入全新境界,近年来多次参加全国性书法美术展览活动并广受专家学者好评,作品荣获“五个一工程奖”,现为河南省文联第八届委员会委员、中国国家画院沈鹏工作室成员,当代著名书法家。 2021年11月5日更新
Word, specially, the dabie mountains, lake rove, xinyang, henan province, member of Chinese calligrapher's association, member of Chinese couplets to learn, Chinese calligraphy and painting famous artists association, member of the comrades have been fond of and good at art and calligraphy professional, in the army during the painting and calligraphy competition and won the prize, participated in whole nation and army in China national academies long-term study, from the famous contemporary calligrapher shenpeng, Mr Ceng Laide, in recent years, often take part in the national calligraphy art exhibitions and acclaimed works won the award of "five-one project", presently for the Chinese national academies shenpeng studio members.
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